Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Storming the Gates!!

The pups quickly learned that the gate to the pen was the second best source of all goodness (Dawna being the first).

We needed to make a gate because the double pen we're using for the indoors barrier doesn't come with gates or doors. The local hardware store had 18x24 inch sheets of 1/8 inch Lexan ®. Lexan ® is a very strong plastic and there is no way that the pups could break it. So we had it cut to 14 inches high and then drilled holes on either end for computer ties. Good to go! Until this morning that is...

You see, the 1/8 inch plastic is very strong... and flexible. When we went to feed the pups this morning, they were in their usual place, at the gate--some sitting but many more with paws on the top of the gate pushing forward. So the plastic flexed. And the little lemming puppies started swimming over the gate! It was very cute. We got them back in and added the other 4 inch strip at the top to provide a bit more of a barrier.

Storming the Gates!!
Off to the hardware store tonight. We got a 1/4 inch thick piece of plastic, cut to 15 inches high and drilled holes again. Success!! A strong enough gate to hold back the puppy storm!

Postscript -- Of course, being CCI puppies, we don't enter the pen until they've quieted down, they're not pushing frenetically and at least one or two are sitting. Good puppies!!

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